Dear Unknown Friends…

Who are the Unknown Friends? We are those who, out of an inner necessity, are drawn to continue the work begun some 60 years ago by a fellow Christian Hermeticist in Meditations on the Tarot. You will find the work of your Unknown Friends below. Why exactly Unknown Friends? Are there not many of us who know each other—some of us, quite intimately—here and now, in our day-to-day lives, in group spiritual work, etc.? And, on another level, are we not all known to each other, through the magical interweaving of karma and the play of reincarnation? To be sure. But when we call each other “Unknown Friend,” we acknowledge that the other is never completely known—that truly knowing another is the sacred privilege of Christ alone. It is our task as true Friends to continuously know each other better and deeper—a task requiring Eternity… and a task we can only hope to engage in properly with the help and love of Christ. It is in this spirit that this forum strives to be a beacon of light in the digital landscape; may it be a humble display of the unique agent that is the Tarot of Marseilles. For the secret—the Arcanum—of the Tarot is that the deeper and more intimately we come to know each of these 78 Unknown Friends, all the more are we enabled to know each other; and we can only come to know these 78 more intimately through the alchemical exchange from Friend to Friend—that is, through conversation.

Included here is a collection of notes for Hermetic Conversations that have been taking place since June, 2016: